
bpvh The Bpvh Mailing List Archive

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Bpvh List Information

Description: A Mailing list for the Bromborough Pool Village Hall
List manager: hugh_owen@riverside.org.uk

Welcome to the archive of the Bromborough Hall Village Pool mailing list. Here you'll find links to the list archive, for browsing and searching. The bpvh list currently has members.

List Archives and Searching

Click here for the latest messages to the Bpvh list: [latest messages]

You can view other months or search the Bpvh list archives here: [archives and searching]

Joining, Posting to and Leaving the Bpvh List

To join the list, send an email to majordomo@missprint.org with:

subscribe bpvh

in the body of your message (not the subject). Send:

subscribe bpvh-digest

if you wish to join the digest version of the list.

To unsubscribe, send:

unsubscribe bpvh


unsubscribe bpvh-digest

Please remember you must send these subscribe/unsubscribe commands to majordomo@missprint.org and not the list address for posting.

Once you've joined, to mail everyone on the list just send your email to: bpvh@missprint.org.

To contact the list manager in case of subscribe problems etc., mail owner-bpvh@missprint.org.


You can get help with joining, leaving, etc. here: [ref help]

You can get a quick reminder sheet of how to use the list here: [quick help]

Information about the list

Archive managed by:

bpvh      missprint.org